[9:40 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
sí... a veces es la única manera de despertarse... porq' si te acuestas en la cama, ya valiste
[9:40 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
jjaj y ni así funciona, vdd?? >.>
[9:41 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
hajaja hey la otra vez me acosté en la cama
[9:41 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
cuando me dormí sobre el teclado
[9:41 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
[9:41 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
desperté pocos minuots dpuesés
[9:41 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
[9:41 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
creo q fueron pocos jaja la vdd ya ni supe
[9:43 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
jajaj cuando me quiero despertar me acuesto en el sillón (donde estoy incómoda, según yo, para despertarme)... pero a veces lo único q' consigo es quedarme dormida y levantarme en la mañana con dolor de cuello
[9:44 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
[9:44 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
yo lo que hice y me funcionó
[9:44 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
[9:44 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
fue dejar las luces prendidas
[9:44 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
y música
[9:44 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
como si siguiera despierto
[9:44 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
así según yo "dormía incómodo y me levantaba pronto"
[9:44 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
[9:45 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
lo q pasó la segunda vez fue que me desperté a la mañana siguiente y no sé cómo, pero las luces estaban apagadas
[9:45 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
[9:45 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
y lo q me pasó la 3era vez fue q me desperté a las 3am avergonzado de haber dejado la musica tan alta
[9:45 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
para darme cuenta q nuevamente mi musica estaba apagada (se acabó la playlist) pero era el vecino jajaja
[9:45 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
seehh aventuras de allnighters
[9:45 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
[9:48 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
jajajajaj una vez vi una técnica rara de alguien medio famoso que no recuerdo quién es... pero se supone q' para no dormirse, tenía siempre una cuchara en la mano, y cuando se dormía, al relajarse se le caía la cuchara y el ruido lo despertaba... traté de ponerlo en práctica, y a la primera sí jaló, pero luego me dio flojera levantar la cuchara (estaba en el sillón) y la dejé ahí en el piso... y ps ya no me desperté cuando me volví a quedar dormida XD
[9:48 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
[9:48 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
[9:48 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
[9:48 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
pero es q eso es algo estupido
[9:49 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
xq hay veces en las q lo unico q logras es estar en estado de sopor
[9:49 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
como en clase y evitas quedarte dormido pero ni estás poniendo atención
[9:49 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
[9:49 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
jajajaj eso sí
[9:49 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
las clases a las 4: son lo mejor para ver eso
[9:49 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
lo q yo creo q hay q hacer es bañarse, o salir a correr o no sé
[9:49 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
mojarse la cara funciona un rato
[9:50 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
es horrible porq' llega un punto en el que tienes tanto sueño, q' te vale lo q' estás haciendo, e ilusamente piensas que puedes terminarlo rápido el día siguiente
[9:52 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
jajajajaja ya sé
[9:53 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
no importa cuántas veces lo hayas hecho y cuántas veces te haya fallado
[9:53 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
siempre piensas que lo lograrás
[9:53 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
y ahí vas
[9:53 PM] __[broken glass] -- what would you attempt to achieve if you knew that you could not fail? says:
a la camita
[9:53 PM] __ドゥルセ · 飴 [20] says:
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